понеделник, 4 август 2014 г.

Information relating to the life in Dublin, citizens addicts and their police


     Drug addicts in  Ireland   as   well,  police   briefly     make a short comment

      Irish citizens, indiscriminately attacking other citizens!

 While I walk down the street, a group of youths attacked me with kicks. I  didn't talking to strangers with, I think them drug addicts - these young people are not homeless ...

  Second case, on the street where I was attacked while sleeping, another dope Irish type, trying to scare me with kicks, because I refused to give my sleeping bag - that is, Irish citizen who bother others, attacking them for their sleeping sacks, because lazy to carry the sleeping bag.

  Very often citizens of Ireland, annoy, aggressive begging  and attacking  another - also are white gypsies  addicts! 
   I noticed themselves citizens of Ireland have a very bad behavior, also very cold peoples to foreigners! 

   Irish groups, wild hooligans - drug addicts, not only attacked, but throwing breakables into the  buildings which have windows, which is, after breaking the windows of buildings in Dublin!

  That I was a victim of drug addicts, criminals drugged, I called to the police station, then, I visited them, but to no avail!

  Moreover, I noticed that the police of Dublin, are they not arrest their citizens who drugged attacked! 

   Irresponsibility and my respect by the Dublin Police, I turned  to assist to "Garda Ombudsman   - to no avail!

  Citizens of Dublin , attacking homeless and remix their luggage - it happened to me . They are not homeless , others ask me for drugs. Some Irish people sell drugs !

  Protection of small "MALL Ilac Centre" - as her guards Library, chase perceived them citizens with luggage who want to enter the Library- which is located at - Ilac Centre, Henry Street, Dublin 1, it is located inside small Mall

  In Dublin, noticed that there are very dangerous drug addicts, which I think should be of closed doors !

  The citizens of Ireland have a bad temper, they are cold and have a very bad behavior, just like bullies, they are wild.
  To understand the history of Ireland and Oliver Cromwellabout that, please,  follow the link, which is


   Do not forget to check the book about  Disraeli, which wrote a book about its history, as it will notice his opinion about Ireland ...           

        Author of the book is - Edgar Feuchtwanger

                          About this book, please just have look this link, which is  

Still working on the topic

Pavel P.


 Information about the police station Charing Cross and junkies people/drugs addicts 

   Several times I was attacked by citizens -junkies of the UK while I was sleeping in the street of the Charing Cross -London.

How I was attacked, I explain I

  About the building of the Charing cross, drug addicts they use drugs, for which, I shared the police.
  For the moment I am being attacked with glass bottle of kicks fragile and liquid  and some spit on me and others tossing cigarette butts! Others called on me, "wake up"
            Others throw fragile bottles away from me.

 With attacks of mixed type origin-addicts, often happens to me.

     For which I had already informed police several fold.
  Some of the employees of the police refused to register the case, but I was persistent, and then they registered my case.

  The policeman asked me for an ID card for me and told me that I should not sleep on the street, the law was such, and another from the police call me, I turned to socialite for homeless

   In this case, I met a "VICTIM SUPPORT" organisation. They told me that the homeless, uncooperative, and I headed for the socialite for homeless!
    The centre for the homeless, do nothing for the homeless but only register them.
  I am registered with The Connection at St Martins and was admitted in social for about a week, and then on the staff of the center told me they could not let me anymore - I never understood why a weave and offered me a ticket for Bulgarian
  In Brussels and Paris, it happened to me, a similar case while I was sleeping on the streets.
In my views, the people of Brussels and Paris, are tolerant and cultural comparison of the people in London.

.   Citizens-junkies of London, are dangerous. I noticed, also, that not only attacked indiscriminately, drugs and sell drugs, while I went on his way, trying to stop me, but I pass them.

    For drug addicts who get stoned, sell drugs and attack must be scored in close for a period of time for at least 45 to 50 years in prison. And, for those who share that are not good, needs to be checked and then if they are determined to groups must be closed in the  -" special clinics for junkies/drug addicts"  and giving them drugs to catch what you missed, this    should be depending on the sentence.

              Addict! harming themselves, as well as other normal people around them!

Life imprisonment for drug addicts

  •     who sell drugs and teach children how to use the drug.

         The British try to drive away from their country.

  Still, British addicts, mixed type, white and black kind of people attack me while I lay on the street of Charing Cross station - I didn't bother them! I don't understand why they are so cold and bad people?!

   I guess someone ordered me to leave the United Kingdom also, I believe that the police know them very well, but makes them nothing!

   Foreign citizens share that they have also been attacked and the police chase them from the streets where they sleep - instead, the police pursue drug criminals, chasing the "foreign citizens homeless," I wonder, how long is this discrimination by the British, against foreign nationals.

   In Britain, foreign citizens homeless, are isolated and treated very poorly by their citizens themselves, police and Government.

The attention of the United States!

Subject: Citizens of the UK, leaving for United States, the Board must, each one to go through the five /5/ Inspector, in order not to allow dangerous criminals-junkies!

         About   labour   market  and free movement  in   the  UK 

Why I didn't get job

     In the UK, there is still a partial restrictions for work and free movement !

     At the site of a universal job match, I noticed the ads for each item of work is required

    Requirements for working as a janitor/Cleaner and Kitchen Worker/Porter  in the UK

You will need to bring:

·         Document confirm provide right to reside
under immigration law which is 
Related external links The Immigration (European Economic Area) Regulations 2016 Free Movement of Persons Directive (2004/38/EC)

·  2X--  Proof of address (eg. electric bills from the last 3 months) phone bills; Rent bills and Bank statement
·         2 references
·         Level 2 Food Hygiene Certificate
and more documents depend of employers

. Applicants to have the experience and skills of the position you are applying for have worked in the UK!

      Applicants from other countries who have worked in their specialty but apply for a job in the UK - do not recognize the service, experience and skills in the specialty they have worked for

    Available, you / we need to work as a volunteer abroad to prove your abilities and skills, of course, if you want to get a job

   UK immigration threatened me with deportation in 2014, and they claimed: you do not qualify as a qualified person to continue living in the UK!!!

Letter from the Immigration Representative of the United Kingdom, 
Mr. S. Mitchell... to the Head Office of the Police Office Building, Headquarters: Agar St, Charing Cross, London WC2N 4JP

I got a letter from immigration, in which they state :

Central London ICE Becket House , 60-68 St Thomas Street London , SE1 3QU
Dear Pavel Petkov-.............................................. ...................................
Intention to deport administratively from the United Kingdom.
In the border service of the United Kingdom (UKBA) we noticed that you are a citizen of the EEA (European economic area), which seems has no right of residence in the Immigration (European economic area) Regulations 2006 (rules).
As the EEA citizen, you have the right to long-term residence beyond the initial three-month period of your stay, if you are:
. Worker / employee (the citizens of the countries of the group, A2 must possess a formal work permit / authorization / Workers)
. A person seeking work
. Self-employed
. Student or
. A person who can live independently.
All these concepts are defined in the rules.
Person who has been admitted or has acquired the right to reside in the United Kingdom in accordance with the rules, may be from the United Kingdom to talk for two minutes, if he / she does not or has ceased to have the right of abode in accordance with the rules.
As it seems at present you do not have the right to reside, UKBA intends to deport You from the United Kingdom.
In order to ensure the possibility to consider in entirety your personal situation and whether you have the right of residence, please come to the meeting of the 24.02.2014 at 11: 30 at Charing cross police station
The meeting will be requested to provide documentary evidence of the following:
1. the identity
2 . nationality
3 . your address in the UK
4 . financial situation
5 . employment / training
6 . marital status
7 . information for family members

With respect,
S. Mitchell.

I received that letter between September and October 2014

---In 2014,2015,2016 and 2017 Immigration continued to deported European citizens, even those who did not commit the slightest offense, they were deported, that is, because they sleep on the street and because the British do not like EUROPEAN CITIZENS

      UK Authorities have NOT followed the basic principles and rules - they have always broken European law since 2010

Still I work of topic:


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