сряда, 26 март 2014 г.


the AMEBO: NEW UK IMMIGRATION RULES: The new rules here under particularly the last paras, affects students, workers and family migrants, we view this as another bump and lim


   Immigration restrictions that still introduces changes to the immigration laws of England - may do so . Given that, I want to add that must be reviewed and  approved  by the  normal  rules, then bring additions and amendments  to  immigration  laws ! 
  Immigration should have responsibilities  to citizens, whatever the occasion, as well as those candidates for political refuges also have to present their decisions in which state the reasons for the arrest, detention, imprisonment, freedom of movement and deportation  of  EU  citizens  and citizens  of other countries

Immigration is responsible for: 

   If you do not issue decisions to state the reasons for detention , imprisonment , deportation and free movement of citizens...

 ,,Immigration of countries, must protect the persecuted people first then the boundaries", in place to introduce restrictive laws!

     It must be defined as a criminal offense !

I'm still working on the topic

By P.P.

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