петък, 11 май 2012 г.

ECHR BLOG: Functional Analysis of ECJ-ECtHR Relationship

The best right for LGBT in the UK!

You will be restricted/limited of right
Of free movement - that mean you will be deported without your document 
Labour market/job
4.any benefits as job seekers or you wish to get to study high digree/specialnost-
about that Job Centre will refuse, becouse we are NOT qualifield they say

- I could say  if I am qualifield person why sould I claim Universal Credit
   The HOME OFFICE  keeps  Information on foreign citizens seeking asylum protection, which have not even been successful, for which I am opposed to storing information in the EURODAC DATABASE SYSTEM

     All asylum seekers, which are kept for up to ten years, unless the refugee has in the meantime been granted nationality in the country and the data are immediately removed from the EURODAC database.

More information about that at https://httppetkovpavel1981.blogspot.com/2013/

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