четвъртък, 2 май 2019 г.

Nick's Story (London Homelessness Awards 2018 - Beam)


    This information is about, BEAM organisation and CRISIS organisation, these two organizations accept donation of the EUROPEAN FUND, but they did restricted/limited European citizens in the UK

--- BEAMs message to me, about that please, continue to reading down

   The "BEAM organization" thoesnt provided supported and cour- ses for European citizens , which citizen does not have British document, as permanent resident card or passport, event that  they are Ive been more then five or ten years in the UK, as an homeless, for example about me: event that they got it  enough private  information, about me  !

     All homeless charity limited / restricted and refuse to help for European citizens, even that they registered each one without any support for employment and housing!

About Crisis organization :          ↘       

They require

  • Proof of eligibility to live and work in the UK 
  • Proof of that we're homeless more than five years  ( about European citizens in the UK) - Advisor of  member teams of Crisis organisation told me that we're not able to help you to get for free Web Design coding course with  -JavaScript, without using Graphic Software with cost less and doesn't cost much more money than 2,500 even using in the course Graphic programs which is


    ; Photoshop; Illustrator and Dreamweaver

About  "Crisis organisation", still I am working on topic

    Saliha Shariff, Member Manager of BEAM told me that:  we are  NOT able to help you for Web Design coding, on which dosnt requret qualification, on which I am interested  to learn, then JavasCript .

Please, check the leaflets, which are :

📁 What should I bring? 📁

  • Your proof of right to work in the UK (this will normally be your passport, birth certificate or residence card/permit. You can check this list if you’re unsure.)

Your CV (if you have one).

  • Copies of any qualifications related to the training you want to do.

  • The contact details for two character references (people you know who support you or know you professionally would be best - we’ll later get in touch with them to confirm you’re ready to start training).

👨‍💼 What will we do? 👩‍💼

In the meeting we will complete:

Why Beam? - this asks about your work experience, what training you would like to do now, and how you feel you will benefit from Beam. Please look through this before we meet and fill it out if you can.

A consent form - which outlines the basic rules of becoming a Beam member and gives us  permission to chat to other people who support you about the work we do together.

A safety and wellbeing plan - this covers your current and past experiences regarding housing, health, criminal justice and alcohol & drug use. We use this to help plan around any potential barriers to your training and work that might exist based on your history. It may involve talking about a number of personal issues and can be completed in a later session if you feel more comfortable returning to it at a later date. However, we will need the safety and wellbeing plan completed before we can progress your application to be on Beam.

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch over email if you have any questions, and see you on the 14th!

Best wishes,


Saliha Shariff, Member Manager

вторник, 12 февруари 2019 г.

EU Law Analysis: The Orbanisation of EU asylum law: the latest EU a...

EU Law Analysis: The Orbanisation of EU asylum law: the latest EU a...: Steve Peers There have been a number of EU proposals to deal with the perceived ‘refugee crisis’ in Europe over the last year. Th...


In  connect about that, I make an comment

     You will be deported even that you have been registred with HOME OFFICE, about your sexual orientation, as they will keep information about anyone pased asylum, that mean you can claim asylum seekers in some different country, you could claim asylum in different but they will refuse, because HOME OFFICE of UK keped information about each one who has been accepted once

    All information about you they hold in the Database System of EURODAC

- You have to be release if your claim asylum has been refuse, but Home Office still keeped information about each one, which I can say its wrong .

   Home Office of the UK always breaking the European Law, of Free movement .

    In the UK  I am treated very badly, severalst time I email  to the a Home Offce, that I wish to be removal of Database System as to be removal address on wich I was registred in 2012, as to use address of Day Centre Organisation

      More information about me Please follow any information which I created


    Go to empty box of Google, then type/write INFO LONDON PAVEL PETKOV


четвъртък, 21 юни 2018 г.

TheINDEPENDENT: EU Law Analysis: Fair movement of people: equal tr...

TheINDEPENDENT: EU Law Analysis: Fair movement of people: equal tr...: EU Law Analysis: Fair movement of people: equal treatment? (Part Tw... : Catherine Barnard and Sarah Fraser Butlin* *The authors are ...

EU Law Analysis: Fair movement of people: equal treatment? (Part Tw...

EU Law Analysis: Fair movement of people: equal treatment? (Part Tw...: Catherine Barnard and Sarah Fraser Butlin* *The authors are both at the University of Cambridge and funded by the ESR...




         Information of the  Britain's anti-discrimination policy, as well as the creation of the British policy "hostile environment" in any form to European citizens living in the UK

    About that, please have look any each information which I create, also as well,  follow,  

  •   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Home_Office_hostile_environment_policy

   ​On Saturday, June 9, 2018, in the Leicester Square area, at the door of the "center of ​Refugee"​- 
Notre Dame Refugee Centre​ ​, the same center that opens to the homeless at 12.30 pm, while I was waiting at the door, I was attacked by two British drug addicts!

​Exactly on the corner where is the Italian restaurant BELLA ITALIA, I was attacked by two men ​B​ritish junkies
--I make an explanation;

    These two people started to provoke me as one to the other and they called out for me, one of the European citizens - shit, would be deported, then I replied to them: "What about the British drug addicts" ? Then, one of them went over me with fists, at the same time right​ ​ ​now​/ immediately​ ​and another one jumped with  fists, into me and stubbornly / hit /struck me several times , I only tried to stop with my hands, the man hit me several times into the my face face, even though I have light touched parts, one from which the mouth with blood and the left eye.

   Two police groups, one of whom watched video recordings / CCTV in Operation​, came quickly.

   The police did not arrest them, and one of the police squad was facing me with provocation and the idea of ​​arresting me because I was defending myself because I was again a victim, 
- Police Officer haven't give to me,​ Statement or Reference About that case / incident

   Always when I went  to the police station to report any incident, about me, that I am always attacking from the British junkies - Police Officers say to me : Go back where are you  come from 


The last case I reported was in February 2018.
About me:
What I shared with the police on Sunday morning:

While I was sleeping on Sunday morning at about 5:10 am morning, two British drug addicts were awakened homeless, like one of their questions to me: do you have a drug? - I replied / tired to both of them, I don't have, and I am  not use drug, then they, tried to scare me, then several times they (calling to me; "give money")
- I just answer to them: I don't have

Your response:  In connection with my complaint,
"is not to be caught by a camera, unfortunately there will be no further investigation on this case"

The Policeofficer  answer, about my case as I make question to concretizing :

-About that text, so I am make a ask, could you Please, explain whats that mean ? I have to know Why? Policeofficer  answer: - is not to be caught by a camera ----- Please, explain about that text​

  Whenever I'm attacked by British drug addicts, I have complained to a police station, the CHARING CROSS area, their reliance on me, as always:
Go to Bulgaria or somewhere else.

  Police in London have never been right to me, but only provocations on their part
   Also, I mean, they themselves are always looking for ways and means to arrest an innocent foreigner, but not to arrest their dangerous aggressive drug addicts, I would call them "hooligans - wild - zombie-dogs."
----most of them are undisciplined

What I am thinking about British citizens: 

They showed to me  bad behavior.

    What I noticed, between the English, Wales, Irish, and the Scottish, among these four states - the Welsh citizens, was good behavior and character.


​   ​About European citizens in the U.K. more than seven years, even, they know you that youre not trouble maker you're: with good character, but British people, never they will tell you that you're perfect, for them you will be always problem. ​

Who abuses his right, first, I would note
1. The British Government
2. Their citizens who are so taught the idea to have a "hostile environment" and hatred against European citizens - Britons themselves hate Europeans

събота, 18 ноември 2017 г.

The European Citizen: Swiss vote puts EU to the test on Free Movement

The European Citizen: Swiss vote puts EU to the test on Free Movement: The Swiss referendum on immigration restrictions for EEA nationals - effectively a vote on ending the free movement of people in the single ...I would like to ask you if you have been made aware of the way  EU citizens- Rough  sleepers are  being treated by the British  Home Office.

I my self am one of them and can witness that we are routinely intimidated and harassed by Home Office officials.

     The people are rounded  up in the night in a very nasty way transported to Detention Centres and deported without given any due recourse to Diplomatic Assistance from theirs  home countries.

    How it is possible that EU allows UK to treat EU - citizens destitute as they may be in such appaling way while on the other hand British Citizens in Europe are treated in the same way as European citizens, can you explain to me and all others in my position why such double standards are being tolerated by EU, Brexit notwithstanding

  ...From  2010 Home Office deported anyone European citizens without criminals records, because they are sleeping on the street !

UK Government still limited any European citizens of free movement 1st,

***2nd Labor Market - we have to proof of eligibility to work in the UK

***3 Phone bills; Rent bills and Electricy bills

***Housing Benefitc and JOBSEEKERS ALLOWANCE (JSA)


Finally I want to emphasize that I am talking exclusively about people without any criminal records in the UK !


Information of the  Britain's anti-discrimination policy, as well as the creation of the British policy "hostile environment" to European citizens living in the country

About that, please have look any each information which I create, also as well,  follow, 

This link explained that UK Government created hostile environment policy against European citizens https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Home_Office_hostile_environment_policy
                                                                                                               18/11/2017 - time:11:16 pm
Still I am working of topic
Pavel Petkov

събота, 11 февруари 2017 г.

ECHR Sexual Orientation Blog: European Court of Human Rights once again rejects ...

ECHR Sexual Orientation Blog: European Court of Human Rights once again rejects ...: The European Court of Human Rights has declared the complaint in A.N. v France inadmissible. This continues the Court

.....I was ignored and manipulate of British guy who looking for Man

On June 8, I met a 19-year-old boy and we went to have fun.

He looks nice and good at having fun, and I liked him, after which he called me on 09.06, around 9:38 in the morning, but I wasn't in the area to go to him because I was very far away and he can't wait, for which I refused a meeting, for which I offered to see you in the afternoon, but he did not answer on the Grindr dating site, as before, we agreed that we would meet more often, for fun .

At the end of the day, I couldn't see his profile, so I looked for him, texting him that I was interested in you.

I offered him a date to see each other and have a cup of coffee, of course if you're free, no answer.

In other messages, he replied that he did not want me anymore, which of course I did not like. 
For a week, I kept sending him messages like SMS in which I claimed to like you and, I would wanted to meet.
In his other messages sent to me, he claims

-to find another person

- Don't bother me again or I will call the police.

I didn't like:

I don't want you anymore

Find another guy

I've been in contact with young bi / gays, but most of them have boyfriends, I've only been for sex.

I've always been looking for a serious boyfriend, but it doesn't work.

I've noticed a lot of dating sites that have fake profiles that men claim to be looking for.

entertainment meetings and

- bound relationship

I don't think so

I wonder why it is so difficult to find the right person for a serious relationship?
Some are only interested in

one or two sexes and goodbye, others of which are most of them alcoholics and drug addicts, which I do not accept, which means that it is even harder to find the right person for a serious relationship.

Some do not know what love is, but to be in love and repulsed for an inexplicable reason is a fact.

I tried to figure out where the mistake was by continuing to write to him because I was worried about breaking up.


    The best right for LGBT in the UK!
You will be restricted/limited of right
Of free movement - that mean you will be deported without your document
Labour market/job
4.any benefits as job seekers or you wish to get to study high digree/specialnost-
about that Job Centre will refuse, becouse we are NOT qualifield they say
- I could say  if I am qualifield person why sould I claim Universal Credit

  About foreign citizen living in  the UK more then five / sevent years  UK Government, still restricted them for Universal Credit ; Job Seekers Allowance, even if you are wish to study in UK  its NOT possible because we dont have a British Passport

   Home Office have it to release each immigrant which has been claim asylum seekers , on which has NOT been  accepted !

The HOME OFFICE still hold them and me on the Database System Of  Eurodac which is wrong and didnt  respect the European Law !

About Eurodac --- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eurodac

    More information about that please follow any information which I created 

                   I am among restricted and discriminated